Tuesday, May 01, 2007
This Is Creepy....Really, Really Creepy
Think happy thoughts! Second star to the right, and straight on till morning!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Finally, Something You Can Do With a PS3 That Doesn't Cost $80
I'm always skeptical of these programs, but evidently they're popular with do-gooder nerds.
Second Life - Home to Z-List Celebrities
CNN.com has an article about the Penn brother who isn't a) dead, or b) a self-righteous, humourless tool.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Madden Curse
For those of you who don't want to READ about the Madden Curse, here's a convenient video.
Blech, Business Journalism
Despite the unpleasantness of business journalism, CNN Money has a very good article about the Wii and its continuing success. Also of value are the links within the story to other articles.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Madden 08 Cover Revealed

Vince Young, second year quarterback for the Tennessee Titans has been named the coverboy for this year's installment of Madden NFL. Seriously, Madden gamers follow this stuff. There's all kinds of stories about the curse already.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Gamers Get Together To Combat Negative Perceptions...Hopefully They Shower First
Sticking with the Virginia Tech theme, it seems that everyone's favorite nuisance took advantage of the deaths of 33 people to promote his own political agenda.
Using this as a rallying point (literally), some NY gamers are getting together to demonstrate about gaming culture.
Other stories can be found here.
And here.
And there is a MySpace page here.
There is also a Facebook page. But you have to login and such. Do a search for Empire Arcadia on Facebook, and look under events.
Using this as a rallying point (literally), some NY gamers are getting together to demonstrate about gaming culture.
Other stories can be found here.
And here.
And there is a MySpace page here.
There is also a Facebook page. But you have to login and such. Do a search for Empire Arcadia on Facebook, and look under events.
If It's On The Internet, It MUST Be True
For those of you not in the know, the Madden NFL series has a certain amount of cultural capital. By which I mean, the game has achieved a certain folk legend status, revolving around what is called the Madden Curse. Basically, it is believed that the player who appears on the cover of Madden Football will suffer in the coming season. Sports Illustrated has now provided a photo gallery outlining the Curse and its victims.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the Madden Curse is very similar to the SI Cover Jinx (which I believe was once discussed on the woefully underappreciated sitcom, Coach, starring Craig T. Nelson.)
And for the truly superstitious, don't forget about the Chunky Soup Curse.
Of course, all this is leading up to EA's announcement of who will be on the cover of Madden NFL 08. That's right, people are waiting with barely contained excitement over who will be on the cover of a video game. Okay, maybe not people. But Madden nerds are.
[EDIT] April 19, 2007. Just so it can't be said that I am favouring CNNSI.com over ESPN.com (which I do, but that's a different kettle of fish...mmm, fish) here is ESPN.com's story about the Madden curse.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the Madden Curse is very similar to the SI Cover Jinx (which I believe was once discussed on the woefully underappreciated sitcom, Coach, starring Craig T. Nelson.)
And for the truly superstitious, don't forget about the Chunky Soup Curse.
Of course, all this is leading up to EA's announcement of who will be on the cover of Madden NFL 08. That's right, people are waiting with barely contained excitement over who will be on the cover of a video game. Okay, maybe not people. But Madden nerds are.
[EDIT] April 19, 2007. Just so it can't be said that I am favouring CNNSI.com over ESPN.com (which I do, but that's a different kettle of fish...mmm, fish) here is ESPN.com's story about the Madden curse.
This story doesn't actually use the words "Virgina Tech," but the timing of this story's release is interesting.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
For Those Who Can't Wait Until November
So evidently there's some popular game called Halo. Which I guess spawned a somewhat successful sequel. And evidently there's a third iteration coming out in November.
Beta testing begins May 16th.
And don't forget to pre-order the Legendary Edition now. Just so you don't miss out.
Beta testing begins May 16th.
And don't forget to pre-order the Legendary Edition now. Just so you don't miss out.
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Ubiquity of Sports Video Games
I probably read SI.com too much. Hell, my entire thesis was based on one sentence from a Peter King column. But it's probably healthier than spending my Internet time surfing for porn, and more entertaining than half the YouTube videos.
Anyway, SI.com's Lang Whitaker has written a very good article talking about why he plays sports video games. He talks about issues of control, particularly within the sometimes fanatic, often obsessive world of sports fans. Good read.
Anyway, SI.com's Lang Whitaker has written a very good article talking about why he plays sports video games. He talks about issues of control, particularly within the sometimes fanatic, often obsessive world of sports fans. Good read.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Can I Create A Second Life Avatar That Looks Like Kevin Costner?
Oooh, ooh, even better, Sean Connery.
"You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Second Life way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?"
"You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Second Life way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?"
Friday, March 30, 2007
Coming Soon: Grand Theft Enron
Remember that stuff Michael was saying about the people in charge at Take-Two/Rockstar?
I think thats been taken care of.
I think thats been taken care of.
The Champ Is Here!
The Madden/NFL relationship isn't the only one to explore the increasingly intertwined world of virtual-actual-virtual. But what happens when you add a dash of kayfabe to the mix? You get this.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Still Better Than Starbucks Music
Because the only industry less problematic than the Video Game Industry is the Music Industry.
World of Warcraft Boot to the head!
So I was procrastinating, er, I mean researching, and found this.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
This Just In...Free Month of WoW for One Pound of Flesh
Special thanks to Derek for letting me know about this new deal in China for players of Cabal.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
So, What You're Saying Is That Gitmo Is For WoW Addicts?
A friend of mine posted this on his own blog, so I stole it and posted it here.
[EDIT] April 18, 2007
Evidently the above link is now dead. But have no fear, I have found some other links that provide some of the same information. In fact, one could even say they are better.
Here's one link.
Here's another.
Basically, these stories are about treating "video game addiction," using rather extreme methods in some cases.
[EDIT] April 18, 2007
Evidently the above link is now dead. But have no fear, I have found some other links that provide some of the same information. In fact, one could even say they are better.
Here's one link.
Here's another.
Basically, these stories are about treating "video game addiction," using rather extreme methods in some cases.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Dammit Nurse, I Said Left Right Left Right Up Down Up Down A B A B Start!
The healing power of video games is finally proven. Does this mean they'll be playing golf on the Wii now?
Friday, February 23, 2007
Running the world - Jarvis Cocker
I apologize for Mr. Cocker's use of the term cunt. Shit, now I've used it.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Speaking of Old Games...

Derek, I'm going to break into your house and steal your Dreamcast so I can play this game. Just so you know.
I'm Not Sure How Many Zombies This Post Would Kill

I was having a conversation with myself yesterday, and Typing of the Dead came up. Motivated to procrastinate, I did some research and found some links about it. Clearly this game needs to be brought back.
Maybe This Will Mean I Can Find One In The Store
Steve Tilley from Wham! Gaming has an interesting piece about the potential for a Wii backlash. Shocking. Consumers growing tired of a gimmick.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Is It Irony...
...when a story on the deleterious effects of video games features advertising for video games? From that bastion of investigative journalism, Yahoo! News*, a story on the addictiveness of video games.
* The exclamation point is an underappreciated punctuation mark in the realm of journalism.
* The exclamation point is an underappreciated punctuation mark in the realm of journalism.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Jesus Saves...Because He Hates Losing His Game Progress
A church here in London is holding an Xbox tournament as an outreach program. Some guy from the Freeps wrote about it.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
NCAA Playbour
One thing I neglected to mention in my presentation is the underground economy that has sprung up, catering to those players who want player names, but don't have the time, energy, or gumption to edit the players themselves. That's where these guys come in.
Friday, February 09, 2007
The Ceremonies Were Temporarily Halted When One Of The Presenters Froze Up
People won stuff. Other people lost. No word on whether there was a tearful Mario/Wario reunion backstage.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Yeah, Rendering It In A 3-D Virtual Environment Makes It Look Better
Even in a virtual world, the backseat is too small to do anything.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I'm Sure Some Politician Will Try To Capitalize On This
If you cheer for things based solely on country of origin, this is the story for you.
Monday, February 05, 2007
PS3 & Wii Games Suggestions
As per Trent's suggestion, feel free to use this post as a place to suggest games to purchase for the PS3 and Wii in the games lab. Just go to comments to add your suggestions.
Totally By Accident
Okay, so I was looking for something completely different. Well, not completely different, but this isn't what I was looking for when I found this. But its interesting. And only slightly very creepy.
Someone Using Photoshop Could Totally Take This Picture Out of Context
Oh yeah, and the article has some interesting stuff to say about the Wii.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Marxist Mario
Thought this might be amusing, given the reference to Mario as populist hero in the D-W reading this week:
This video is based on the following site: Is Mario a Communist?
Beware: this site is not terribly sympathetic to communism...
This video is based on the following site: Is Mario a Communist?
Beware: this site is not terribly sympathetic to communism...
Honestly, Anything Clever and Witty That I Put Here Could Probably Be Used Against Me Later
I cannot bear to watch, yet I cannot look away.
Be warned, this site could be construed as offensive. And yet, from a purely academic perspective, it's quite interesting.
They're also on MySpace!
But then again, who isn't?
Be warned, this site could be construed as offensive. And yet, from a purely academic perspective, it's quite interesting.
They're also on MySpace!
But then again, who isn't?
Wookin' Pa Nub In All Da Wong Paces, Wookin Pa Nub
It should be noted that the Toronto Star has a generally bad video game section.
This article is indicative of that.
This article is indicative of that.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Guitar Hero 2 Rush YYZ on Expert
Honestly, I really only posted this because it's one of my favorite songs. But the ending is classic.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Just in case you wanted to try out the one that started it all, you can go here.

* Military research funding not included

* Military research funding not included
Thursday, January 25, 2007
You've Seen the Video, Now You Can Play the Game!!!
You can download Frets on Fire here.
Go NOW!!!
Thank you to Trent for the links, which evil Blogger won't let him post.
Go NOW!!!
Thank you to Trent for the links, which evil Blogger won't let him post.
Frets on Fire Gameplay
If you want to download the game, you can go here.
You can thank Trent for the links, but because Blogger is evil, it won't let him post stuff.
Stupid Blogger.
You can thank Trent for the links, but because Blogger is evil, it won't let him post stuff.
Stupid Blogger.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
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