Monday, January 29, 2007

Marxist Mario

Thought this might be amusing, given the reference to Mario as populist hero in the D-W reading this week:

This video is based on the following site: Is Mario a Communist?

Beware: this site is not terribly sympathetic to communism...

Honestly, Anything Clever and Witty That I Put Here Could Probably Be Used Against Me Later

I cannot bear to watch, yet I cannot look away.

Be warned, this site could be construed as offensive. And yet, from a purely academic perspective, it's quite interesting.

They're also on MySpace!

But then again, who isn't?

Wookin' Pa Nub In All Da Wong Paces, Wookin Pa Nub

It should be noted that the Toronto Star has a generally bad video game section.

This article is indicative of that.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Guitar Hero 2 Rush YYZ on Expert

Honestly, I really only posted this because it's one of my favorite songs. But the ending is classic.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Why All The Smurf Hate? At Least They're Not Snorks

Here is one of the pages dedicated to Castle Smurfenstein.


Just in case you wanted to try out the one that started it all, you can go here.

* Military research funding not included

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Are Those Pants Figures Accurate?

Here's the story.

Here's the actual site.

For Wii News, I'm Princess Toadstool

Wii News Channel will feature stories and photos from AP

You've Seen the Video, Now You Can Play the Game!!!

You can download Frets on Fire here.

Go NOW!!!

Thank you to Trent for the links, which evil Blogger won't let him post.

Frets on Fire Gameplay

If you want to download the game, you can go here.

You can thank Trent for the links, but because Blogger is evil, it won't let him post stuff.

Stupid Blogger.

From CNN

EU takes aim at violent video games

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Leeroy Jenkins

Need I say more?
Why Madden 2007 SUCKS for xbox 360!

The convergence of social networking sites and video game criticism.